Monday, July 9, 2012


Hey you,, who turned the lights away so I would not look at them.
Hey you, who enjoyed the same movies and music that I did.
Hey you, who loved me for who I am and how I am without the urge to change me.

Thank you and I miss you.
So bad, every day.
I wish I was better back then.

Monday, November 28, 2011


...a lamp that has been blinking for a long time (probably few years) finally stopped working...
Somehow it seems like the end of an era.
End of the times that I don't want to be forgotten.
Damn memories!

Monday, March 21, 2011


At that moment she was finally sure...

It had all been just a dream and now was the time to wake up, shake off the sleep stripes from her face.
She had postponed her awakening for way too long but now she had no other chance.

Sleeping was nice, but all things come to an end and now was the time.
The sheets are too hot, her head is almost as cold as her heart.
She did herself a favor and stopped flattering herself.
And this time for good...

Somehow she still felt that it wasn't the beginning of an end but the end of all beginnings.
How was that even possible?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

It was a typical cold Autmn weather.
Wind was trying to disgregate the last desperate leaves from the trees and a curtain of rain was making it almost impossible to see anything.
Still she put on her rubber boots and a yellow raincoat and went outside.

She didn't know where she was going and it didn't even matter. What mattered was that she was finally moving. After spending endless months hiding in her den, she was finally outside again.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The radio was rustling and she could hardly hear the words " cal....ling.... fooorrr.... staaa....geeee.... ttt...tteennnn.... Aaa... rreeee... y... you..... th.... there...?"
She rapidly grabbed her walkie-talkie and almost cheered: "Yes, this is stage ten, can you hear me?"
There was no anwser...
She waited many hour for any sign of communication, changed her position, turned it off and on again, checked the battery.... nothing.

For a second she had hoped that maybe she'll be called back to Earth so she could leave this silly space station the lonely stars and quiet nights behind and return to to the warm embrace of her home planet.
She had been mistaken.
Something inside her crashed.
Like again - it was only a dash hope in her head.
The sooner she'd get used to living there, the better.

Monday, September 6, 2010

It was true...
It appeared like there was nothing in the Space except for the cold flickering light of the stars and the blaring silence.

Thursday, September 2, 2010


She went to the old space station...
Ran her fingers over the dusty buttons and cracked plasma screens.
It used to be the main station. People were always running around, checking the screens and adjusting the indicators.
Now it was empty and... cold.
Thick layer of dust was covering technology that was once oh-so-modern. Now it was old. Practically ancient.
It is weird how so little time can make such a difference.
She sat down on one of the chairs (though it made her white lab coat dusty) and closed her eyes.
She really needed the rest. And no one came looking for her there.
You could say it was kind of her secret hide out place...